Saturday 4 August 2018

my introduction

Hi! I'm Vee, I am a Russian girl who is currently heading into 4th Year in the Irish school system. 

With that out of the way lets get into the more interesting things. I love dancing, singing, acting and studying, I understand that its a strange hobby to list but hear me out, but I especially love studying new languages as well as my existing. I currently fluently speak English and Russian but learning Irish, French, Chinese Mandarin and Korean and I'm hoping to add more to this list soon.

I'm not completely sure where I want to take this blog, I'm thinking more study related, maybe a few language posts here and there. I have a 'studygram' under the account @veebestudyin, so if you would like to follow me there you can. 

Well, that's my mini introduction, I hope you got to know me a little bit. I want to share as much of my whatever here, and I hope i can do that with you. 

Thank you 

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